Simple Machines & Building Things

In Science our class explored Simple Machines.
Through inquiry and problem solving the students developed their understanding of the applications of simple machines and how simple machines are all around us.

The Challenge: Work in your table group to find the most efficient way to get a book from one place to another using materials around the classroom as your rollers.
 The book race!!!

Inclined Plane
The Challenge: Independently come up with ways you can lift a heavy object up a short vertical distance.
Then: Experiment with different heights of inclined planes and see which takes the least amount of force to push a heavy object up.

Wheel & Axle
The Challenge: With materials provided and a partner, create your own wheel & axle set. Does it move like a wheel & axle or does it move like a roller?

The Challenge: If Rapunzel was stuck up in a tower without stairs or a door but just a window, how could you get a bucket of water up to her so that she could drink it? Use the materials provided. (string, grooved wheels, popsicle sticks, small cups, tape, etc.)

The Challenge: Work in your table group to see if it is easier to flip a book with the fulcrum of the lever closer or further away from the book.

The Challenge: Create a gear system in your table group.
Then: Do they rotate? What could we change? 

Building Things!!!
The Challenge: In your group of 3, 4, or on your own, plan and create a machine with a purpose using at least 2 simple machines.

Sharing time:

Final Products:

Rube Goldberg Machine Examples: