Through inquiry and problem solving the students developed their understanding of the applications of simple machines and how simple machines are all around us.
The Challenge: Work in your table group to find the most efficient way to get a book from one place to another using materials around the classroom as your rollers.
The book race!!!
Inclined Plane
The Challenge: Independently come up with ways you can lift a heavy object up a short vertical distance.
Then: Experiment with different heights of inclined planes and see which takes the least amount of force to push a heavy object up.
Wheel & Axle
The Challenge: With materials provided and a partner, create your own wheel & axle set. Does it move like a wheel & axle or does it move like a roller?
The Challenge: If Rapunzel was stuck up in a tower without stairs or a door but just a window, how could you get a bucket of water up to her so that she could drink it? Use the materials provided. (string, grooved wheels, popsicle sticks, small cups, tape, etc.)

The Challenge: Work in your table group to see if it is easier to flip a book with the fulcrum of the lever closer or further away from the book.
The Challenge: Create a gear system in your table group.
Then: Do they rotate? What could we change?
Building Things!!!
The Challenge: In your group of 3, 4, or on your own, plan and create a machine with a purpose using at least 2 simple machines.
Sharing time:
Final Products:
Rube Goldberg Machine Examples:
The Cake Server: