- Music
- Math/Writing: Document the Handshake problem - I can communicate clearly how I solved the problem.
- Planning for Ms. Fortowsky: How do we take a chance and show courage in our community? What is our story of courage?
- Story: Book of Courage by Jessica Renwick - Ask ME! Who are the main characters? What do you think is going to happen in the story? How do you know?
- Math: Area Blackout Game
- Gym: Yoshi - Ask me to explain the rules. This is our most requested outside game when we do gym outdoors.

Tuesday, April 30
Artist in Residence: Mrs. Fortowsky is here to continue our work
Write: What is important in your Alberta?
Math: Multiplication and Division practice
Healthy Hunger Special Lunch Reminder/Request for Volunteers
Hello Parents/Guardians of Grades 1-6 students at Bridlewood School,
Please be reminded that the next special lunch for Grades 1-6 is Little Caesars and will be on Monday, May 6th. The deadline to have your Healthy Hunger orders in is Wednesday, May 1st at midnight. Special lunch orders can be made online using the link:
Also, volunteers are needed to help out with the special lunch from 11 am - 12:30 pm. If you are available to help out and have up-to-date security clearance, please respond to bridlewoodvolunteer@gmail.com.
Wednesday, May 1
Hats on for Mental Health
8:30am Pier 21 Musical: Welcome Home to Canada
May Calendar
Error analysis is a strategy which supports higher level thinking, helps students develop conceptual understanding, and a great strategy that can be used for tests. Two Truths, One Lie is an example of looking for errors. Not only do students have to find the error, students are expected to explain why they think that. Can you figure out which statement is false? Why do you think that?
The Red Tree Message
Our May Challenge...
We are beginning to wonder what our ducks will look like. Ms. Harrison says they are a mixed breed. Here is a picture of the ducks on the farm. What do you think our ducks will look like?
Here is a short video of what our babies looked like today in their shells. Can you see our little duckling moving? He is sure getting big.
Thursday, May 2
Friday, May 3
Watch carefully and see if you can see the duck moving. How old do you think the ducks are? If they hatch at approximately 28 days- are they close? How do you know?